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Constitution of the University of Warwick Singapore Society

Last Revised: 25 March 2021


Article 1: Name

1.1 The full name of the society shall be “Singapore Society, The University of Warwick Students’ Union”, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Society’.


Article 2: Aims and Objectives

2.1 The Vision of the Society is: to be a home away from home.

2.2 The Mission of the Society is: to build a close-knit community that offers opportunities to interact, connect, experience and learn, to be a safe space that is diverse and welcoming to all, to provide compelling opportunities through a wide network of connections


Article 1: Interpretation

1.1 The constitution shall be open to the Executive Committee’s interpretation.
1.2 The Executive Committee shall have the initial right of interpretation for the normal running of the society.
1.3 Where contentious interpretation arises, the dispute shall be brought to the members’ attention through an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting and voted for accordingly.

Article 2: Amendments

2.1 Any amendments to this constitution found to be necessary for the advancement or progress of the society by the incumbent Executive Committee or 20% of the society’s membership shall put to a vote pursuant to an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.

2.2 No amendments shall be made valid without the valid vote of at least 50% of the Society’s valid membership.
2.3 The valid vote shall include votes by members present at the meeting as well as votes prior to the meeting by proxy. All proxy votes are final
2.3.1 Proxy voting shall be opened at least 1 week before relevant scheduled General Meetings.

2.3.2 Proxy voting shall be closed 2 hours before the  commencement of scheduled General Meeting.


Article 1: Full Membership

1.1 All registered students of the University of Warwick shall be entitled to Full Membership of the Society for the respective year on payment of an Annual Membership Fee determined by the Society and Students’ Union.


Article 2: Associate Membership

2.1 All members of the staff, past-graduates of the University of Warwick or persons approved by the Executive Committee shall be eligible for Associate Membership for the respective year on payment of an Annual Membership Fee.

Article 3: Members’ Obligations

3.1 To provide up-to-date and accurate personal information.

3.2 Members shall not use the name of the Society to commit any act without prior authorisation of the Executive Committee.

Article 4: Rights & Privileges

4.1 Paragraphs 4.2 – 4.4 reflect rights and privileges which are absolute and non-amendable.

4.2 To vote and speak at all Annual / Extra-Ordinary General Meetings.

4.3 To propose and to second motions for amendments and referendum.
4.4 To be eligible to nominate, be nominated, and run for office in the Executive Committee in the Society’s elections (subject to Election Regulations).
4.5 To attend functions and events arranged by the Society at a subsidised rate pursuant to the Society’s not-for profit status.

4.6 To receive discounts at selected shops with prevailing sponsorship and discount agreements with the Society.​​


Article 5: Privacy

5.1 Personal details and information of the Society’s members shall be kept in strict confidence and used only pursuant towards valid objectives of planning and organisation of the Society’s events by the Executive Committee and shall under no circumstance be shared or disclosed to third parties without the prior consent of the concerned member(s).



Article 1: Organisation

1.1 The Executive Committee shall as such be duly constituted of the following twelve positions:
1.1.1  President and Vice-President
1.1.2  Secretary
1.1.3  Treasurer
1.1.4  Community Director
1.1.5  Cultural Director
1.1.6  Events Director
1.1.7  Marketing Director
1.1.8  Sports Director

1.1.9 Tour Secretary
1.1.10  Freshers’ Representative 1
1.1.11  Freshers’ Representative 2

1.1.12  Freshers’ Representative 3

Article 2: Executive Committee Duties & Responsibilities

2.1 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Society pursuant to the aims and objectives of the Society set out in Section I Article 2 above.

2.2 This includes proper management of the annual budget provided for by the University of Warwick International Office and all other funds achieved through the ambit of the Society.
2.3 The Executive Committee owes a fiduciary duty to its members and shall be responsible and accountable for the Society’s budget. This will be achieved through the publication of a statement of accounts at the second Annual General Meeting.

2.4 It shall exercise such functions necessary for the day to day running and organising of events and activities pursuant to the aims and objectives previously stated.
2.5 The Committee shall have the authority to delegate power to a subcommittee to deal with any business it deems necessary.


Article 3: Individual Roles & Responsibilities

3.1 Please refer to Article 1 of the Appendix.

Article 4: Committee Meetings

4.1 Committee Meetings shall be convened and conducted by the President at his/her discretion or in his/her absence, by the Vice-President.
4.2 Each Committee member shall be entitled the right to speak and vote during Committee Meetings.

4.3 Committee Members are obliged to attend all meetings. Any absence is subject to the discretionary approval of the President.

4.4 The Committee shall generally make decisions by consensus. Failing which decisions shall be taken by majority voting.

Article 5: Miscellaneous

5.1 A Committee Member may resign at his own accord with the decision supported by the approval of the President and the Executive Committee with at least 2 weeks notice from the effective date.

5.2 The Executive Committee may recommend the resignation of a Committee Member through a vote of no confidence at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting if he has committed any serious infringements of the Constitution or used the name of the Society in the conduct of illegal or corruptive acts.
5.3 Should any vacancy arise in the Executive Committee, an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting shall be convened to elect a Committee Member in replacement.



Article 1: Notice & Procedure

1.1 The vote and decision of a General Meeting possesses the highest authority in all matters affecting the Society.

1.2 Notice of a General Meeting and its agenda shall be given not less than 3 days in advance of the stipulated date.

1.3 General Meetings shall generally be convened by the Executive Committee or 20% of the Society membership proposing a matter of urgency.

1.4 The President, Vice-President and Secretary shall be responsible for chairing and moderating the General Meeting.

Article 2: General Meetings

2.1 There shall be two General Meetings (GMs) each year. The dates shall be decided and announced by the Executive Committee two weeks beforehand. The incumbent committee shall preside over each GM.

2.2 The Annual GM shall be held in the Summer Term. The business of this Annual GM shall be:

2.2.1 To elect key Committee Members of the Society, less the three Freshers’ Representatives, to form the new Executive Committee.

2.2.2  The core positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must be elected during this election. All remaining positions may be rolled over to the next GM.
2.2.3 To receive the Annual Report prepared by the Secretary and approved by the President from the previous committee.
2.2.4 To receive the Financial Statements prepared by the Treasurer from the previous committee.
2.2.5 Any other business on the agenda.

2.3 The next GM shall be held in the following Autumn Term. The business of this GM shall be:
2.3.3 To elect the remaining Committee Members of the Society, including the three Freshers’ Representatives.
2.3.4 Any other business on the agenda.


Article 3: Extra-Ordinary General Meeting

3.1 The Committee may call an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting at any time.

3.2 Any request by not less then 20% of the society membership with a valid issue raised pertaining to the substance of this constitution shall be facilitated by the organisation of an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting by the Executive Committee within 2 weeks.

3.3 A motion proposing a vote of no confidence stemming from negligence or unbecoming conduct of any Committee Member may be instituted by the general membership of the Society or Executive Committee consisting of not less than 50% of the valid membership. An Extra-Ordinary General Meeting shall be called for such purposes and a vote so passed by 60% of the membership shall call for the resignation of the individual(s) against whom the motion was initiated.



Article 1: Administration

1.1 Each election shall be administered by the Executive Committee of the previous academic year barring any member who is running for re-election into the Committee in the next academic year.

1.2 This is to provide a fair and impartial election process.

Article 2: Nomination

2.1 Only full Members of the Society shall have the right to nominate and to be nominated for elections, and be eligible for office in the Executive Committee of the Society.
2.2 The position of President is restricted to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents only.

2.3 Only first years are eligible for the positions of Freshers’ Representatives.
2.4 The Executive Committee shall open nominations at a stipulated timing of their discretion guided by the mandatory General Meeting Schedule pursuant to the Section V Article 2. A deadline shall also be set for purposes of certainty.

2.5 Nominations will NOT be accepted after the deadline.

2.6 A valid nomination shall include:
2.6.1 The full name of the candidate;
2.6.2 The position(s) the candidate is running for, and;
2.6.3 The full name of his/her seconder, who is a member of the Society.
2.7 All members may nominate/second multiple candidates but not for the same role.
2.7.1 Nominations contrary to Section VI Article 2 subsection 2.7 will  be deemed void.

2.8 Nominees will receive an email upon the submission of a nomination. This will act as confirmation of their candidacy.
2.9 A candidate can withdraw their nomination at any time by sending an email to the aforementioned e-mail address. Non-response shall generally be assumed to be acceptance of the said nomination up and until the time of election.

Article 3: Election Process

3.1 The election shall be chaired by the previous Executive Committee.

3.2 The core positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must be elected during the first AGM for the purpose of continuity and strategic planning. All remaining positions may be rolled over to the GM.
3.3 Each candidate running for the position of President and Vice-President will be given a maximum of five minutes to present their candidacy
3.4 Candidates running for other positions will be given a maximum of three minutes.

3.5 The identity of the seconder will be verified before the start of each presentation. If the listed seconder is absent, the candidate shall require another valid seconder on the instance. 
3.6 There will be a question and answer session moderated by the previous Executive Committee after each presentation.
3.7 No personal endorsement or testimonials for candidates will be allowed at any point during the elections to ensure equal opportunity and representation.
3.8 Only members of the Society will be allowed to vote in the elections.
3.9 Votes will be counted immediately and the breakdown of results announced at the end of each voting exercise

3.10 In the event of a tie, each candidate will be given one minute to present his candidacy and this will be followed by a quick question and answer session. Votes will be cast immediately after.
3.11 If all the candidates running for a position are deemed incompetent, members of the Society may vote to Re-open Nominations (RON) on the spot. For a RON motion to pass, votes for RON must be of a higher number than or equal to the votes for the candidate who has garnered the highest number of votes, following which nominations will be retaken, and the election process will be repeated.
3.12 Proxy voting to be allowed. All proxy votes are final.

3.12.1 Proxy voting shall be opened at least one week before relevant scheduled General Meetings.
3.12.2 Proxy voting shall be closed two hours before the commencement of scheduled General Meeting
3.13 All candidates must produce a manifesto which is to be made available to the society members prior to the opening of proxy voting.


Article 1: Individual Roles & Responsibilities

1.1 President and Vice-President

1.1.1 The President serves as the head of the Executive Committee and Society and shall preside over Executive Committee meetings, and represent the Society in all other duly constituted university forums and meetings.
1.1.2 The President and his Committee shall be responsible for the setting and implementation of the Society’s vision and mission statement for the year in office.
1.1.3 The President will consequently serve Ex-Officio after his/her term and will be available for consultation should the next Executive Committee find necessary.
1.1.4 The Vice-President shall play a supporting role to the President and assist in all matters under the instruction of the President; and act in the absence of the President.


1.2 Secretary

1.2.1 The Secretary shall conduct all internal society correspondence, minutes and other clerical requirements of the Executive Committee.


1.3 Treasurer

1.3.1 The Treasurer shall assist in the preparation of the Society’s budget plan for the year pursuant to the aims and objectives of the Society and the Executive Committee.
1.3.2 The Treasurer shall ensure that the Executive Committee stays within that budget.
1.3.3 It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to provide a statement of accounts to the society membership annually at the second Annual General Meeting.
1.3.4 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the solicitation of external sponsorship and funding for the society. 


1.4 Community Director

1.4.1 The Community Director shall be responsible for the planning of recurring community-based events.

1.4.2 The Community Director shall be responsible for the creation and maintenance of intra-society groups, which can include, but is not limited to study groups, families, and gaming groups.


1.5 Cultural Director

1.5.1  The Cultural Director is elected into office for the express purposes of (1) engaging and inspiring members to take part in the wider cultural scene, and (2) providing them with the opportunity to do so through the organisation of, and participation in, numerous cultural events.
1.5.2  The Cultural Director shall be responsible for the overall planning and organisation of cultural events relating to the Society.
1.5.3  The Cultural Director shall have the discretion to organise any relevant cultural event in the interests of the Society, provided there is a sound rationale and adequate support from the Executive Committee and other members of the Society.
1.5.4  The Cultural Director shall, with the consent of the Executive Committee, have the authority to appoint sub-committee(s) to assist in organising and executing the cultural events.
1.5.5  The Cultural Director shall be the point of liaison between the Executive Committee and the appointed sub-committees.
1.5.6  The Cultural Director should also consider how cultural events can be utilised to raise the profile of Singapore in Warwick.


1.6 Events Director

1.6.1 The Events Director shall generally be responsible for the planning of key society social events such as the annual Christmas and Chinese New Year Dinners amongst others with the support of the Executive Committee.
1.6.2 The Events Director shall also be responsible for encouraging and promoting participation in society events; and planning events which cater to the demands and needs of the Society.


1.7 Marketing Director

1.7.1 The Marketing Director​ shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of online media systems relating to the Society, such as domain hosting, Society website and Facebook platforms, as well as consolidating files and media for archiving purposes.

1.7.2 The Marketing Director​ shall be responsible for design duties in society events, which includes publicity design, external marketing, and dissemination of information for said events.


1.8 Sports Director

1.8.1 The Sports Director shall be responsible for the organisation and coordination of inter / intra society and university sporting events. This includes the planning of training schedules.
1.8.2 The Sports Director shall also be responsible for the organisation of ad hoc sporting events pursuant to the demands of the society’s membership.


1.9 Tour Secretary

1.9.1 The Tour Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation and facilitation of tours within the United Kingdom or internationally, for members of the Society.


1.10 Freshers’ Representatives

1.10.1 The Freshers’ Representatives shall be responsible for reflecting the needs and opinions of the freshers.
1.10.2 The Freshers’ Representatives shall be responsible in assisting the Executive Committee in the running of the Society.


​Article 2: Nomination Process

2.1 Nominations can only be submitted by email to a separate email address announced each year by the Executive Committee.


Article 3: Handover of Office

3.1 The official handing over of duties shall be at the discretion of the incumbent Executive Committee. This must take place within a month after the elections of the new Executive Committee.

© 2024 University of Warwick Singapore Society 

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