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Production 2014: BOOM


Date: 6th March 2013, Thursday
Time: 7.30pm (Doors open at 7pm)
Venue: Warwick Arts Centre
£5 (Advance) / £6 (At the door) / £4 (after-party @ Altoria)


Synopsis: Situated in tiny Singapore, where space is a premium and property prices mind-boggling, the story of a stubborn mother and her property agent son challenged with the potential enbloc sale of their home unfolds. Sucked inexorably into their narrative is the tale of Ivan, an atypical civil servant, who faces the seemingly impossible task of relocating a corpse...against his will.


'Boom' is a truly Singaporean story about the constant pursuit of wealth in a society consumed by the march of progress amid the unavoidable loss of personal stories.




One of the most anticipated and popular annual events is the theatre production, and this year was no exception. Produced by Sia Chen Yang and directed by Anisha Primalani, the script chosen this year was Jean Tay’s ‘Boom’.


Starring Dominic Nah (Boon), Samantha Ong (his mother), Elliot Choo (Ivan, the civil servant) and Werty Heng (the corpse), Production 2014 also included an ensemble of supporting cast ranging from old pros to first-time thespians, all brought together by Acting Coach Felix Lee. The show would also not have been possible without a laundry list of supporting crew (coordinated by Stage Manager Terence Tang), technicians and production team.


Despite all the blood, sweat and (artificial) trees, our team’s work paid off when they performed for a few-hundred strong audience in the Warwick Arts Centre on the 6th of March, all of whom enjoyed the show tremendously. The cast, crew and audience alike also went wild at the traditional after-party, held at the Altoria VIP room this year. Definitely a night to remember!





Playwright: Jean Tay

Original Play by The Singapore Repertory Theatre

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